Friday, July 29, 2005

ACA 2005 in Fort Worth

We made these Uaru family shirts -- Dean drew all the fish, and drew the adult male and female on our shirts. I batiked the baby and the juvenile on the kids' shirts, then dyed the background blue. I had hoped to dye ours to match but didn't have enough time.

Note the tiny firefighters each child is holding.

George spent a lot of time drawing.

My digital camera was a poor choice for fish photography. These two photos are of the same fish, seconds apart; nothing changed between shots as far as I know. The color in the upper photo is more realistic.

With Hernan Lopez-Fernandez, who spoke at the meeting of the South American Cichlid Study Group. Apparently it was a great talk; I wouldn't know since the children and I were asleep. His talk *started* at midnight.


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