Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Getting ready for Halloween (and other October pursuits)

Dean is very unsure about this, but George is delighted! Aunt Kathy sent us four teletubby costumes -- thanks!

When you can dress yourself, every day is Halloween. Note mismatched socks and pants on backwards. Oh, and her shoes are wildly different sizes.

Charlotte picked these out herself.

It may be mid October, but it's still plenty warm here. We had about 25 people over on Monday.

George fell asleep in the midst of it all -- most unlike him. He turned out to have a mild stomach bug; I hope he didn't pass it on to others.

I found this praying mantis on the zinnias outside our front door. It's eating a skipper (a tiny butterfly). It took about two days for it to eat the skipper, then it disappeared.

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