Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Public speaking

George has joined Cloverbuds this year -- it's 4H for 5-8 year olds. We meet once a month, and many of the members are kids he has known since infancy. He likes it a lot.

February's program was public speaking. Each kid was supposed to prepare a 3-5 minute talk on a subject of their choosing. George didn't really want to think about this until a few days ahead of time, but decided that he would talk about knights and armor. "Just the basic stuff," he told me. "Nothing too confusing."

He did not want to bring props, or plan his talk, or practice, or do much of anything to prepare -- not too surprising for a five year old with no experience in public speaking.

He was very excited the night of the meeting. It was hard for him to wait for his turn.

Here's Maya talking about her bettas.

Thea showed us how to tie a shoelace.

Katelynn talked about her favorite movie.

Alex talked about her dog -- but brought a picture instead of the real thing since Lily is so big.

And here's George deciding that he wasn't quite ready, after all.

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