Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wall-E World

On our way to Denver for Christmas we passed through Amarillo. I tried to take us on a short-cut but missed, so we had a tour of some odd bits of the city. We were quite surprised to find ourselves at what was clearly Wall-E's home base. It was very cool but we were trying to make good time, so we just looked at it as we drove by.

On the way home we spent the night in Amarillo, and the next morning decided to try and find Wall-E World again. It's surprisingly hard to get lost the same way twice, even if you know pretty much where something should be. Eventually, though, we found it. I had worried that it wouldn't be as interesting as it looked the first time. Instead, it was even bigger than I had imagined, covering blocks and blocks of northeastern Amarillo. There are train tracks running through it, receiving docks for trucks, and an area for drive-up sellers. It was amazing. We even found a street that ran through the middle where we could park the car and take some pictures. (You can click any of them to see the picture up close.)

It's hard to convey the scale of this -- remember, this is just one corner of the operation.

In an abstract way I think this is kind of pretty. But it sure gives me pause before I buy something else "disposable."

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