Monday, April 24, 2006


And what were we doing that scared the robin away? Dean and George were taking down a scrubby holly tree that has taken over one end of our porch. This has taken two Sunday afternoons so far, using a handsaw, but George is enjoying it so much that it would be a shame to borrow a chainsaw and be done with it. Three trunks are down and one is left, probably for next weekend.

George has been cutting off branches and trimming the brush so that it will fit into our yard waste buckets. Dean has been sawing the main trunks. I'm impressed with George's efforts -- he has really stuck with this.

And Dean was repairing the screening on an attic vent that had been ripped open by wildlife. Starlings were building a nest in the attic, and wasps are building EVERYWHERE right now, so it was really important to block that hole off. Unfortunately it turned out to be a much bigger job than anyone imagined. Sorry, Mama Robin.

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