Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a great time in New Jersey, and because *my* best Christmas present was a computer with restored functionality, I can show you!

Charlotte loved the ride-on horse. Here Claire was pushing her down the hall. George was directing traffic -- I think he was being a stop sign.

The grown-ups did some playing, too.

Cookie making was at least as much fun as cookie eating.

Lauren, George, Claire and Charlotte on Christmas morning.

A knight's costume, swords AND viking helmets? What was Santa thinking?

Christmas, round four -- all the cousins together on Dec. 27th.

Charlotte has mastered a suitably dramatic style of present opening.

Charlotte and Amy got matching pajamas for Christmas -- Charlotte from Grandma & Grandpa, and Amy from a friend.

The knights are protecting the Fairy Forest.

Star Wars Lego was the hit of the week with George & Nicholas. Even Charlotte managed to do some pod racing -- George said, "She doesn't mind if she has to start over!"

It was a quiet trip home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great time! I am glad your computer is working so I can follow your blog. KT